Gearbox Still Looking Into Bringing Borderlands 2 to PS Vita, Need to Find a Suitable Dev Team

Not long ago, Gearbox expressed their interest in having Borderlands 2 ported for Sony’s handheld, and it looks like it may actually become a reality.

In an interview with IGN, Gearbox president Randy Pitchford explained that while they are far too busy to take on the project themselves, if a capable developer steps up to the plate, they’d love to see it happen.

If some other studio was capable and could be trusted by us, and by a publishing partner, and by Sony, and someone wanted to invest in making that happen? I think Sony should step up and make that happen.

What studio do you think should take on this task? I for one think Bluepoint Games would be a great choice. After seeing how stellar a job they did with the Metal Gear Solid: HD Collection on the Vita, I’m certain that they’d make a solid port.

Please Sony, make this happen.


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