Get a Look at the “Official Face of Elizabeth” on the Back of BioShock Infinite’s Box

BioShock Infinite‘s damsel in distress has received a bit of a makeover, altering her original appearance to give her a slightly more mature look.

This new appearance can be seen on the back of the game’s cover art, which was revealed this past weekend. Irrational’s Ken Levine discussed the new look on the studio’s blog, confirming that Anna Ormeli Moleva, a Russian cosplayer, is the “official face of Elizabeth”.

So, it shouldn’t be too difficult to notice the striking similarity between Anna and Elizabeth’s new look. In fact, Irrational is basing all of the the game’s art on her face as well as an upcoming television ad.

BioShock Infinite launches this coming February for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. In an effort to pass the time, comment below letting us know what you think of Elizabeth’s new look. I for one prefer the slightly more cartoonish style she had originally.