Quantic Dream Registers .Asia Domain, Has Done Casting Call For Chinese Actors

Yesterday, it was discovered that Heavy Rain developers Quantic Dream had registered the domain SingularityPS4, so we rooted around the rest of their domains to see if we could find anything.

Interestingly, the independent French developer registered QuanticDream.asia last May, with the same domain name registrar as Singularity. What’s of note is that more logical regional domains like .fr and .eu haven’t been registered, and neither have more general domains like .org, .biz or .info. All that they own in QuanticDream.com and now .Asia.

In itself, this would be peculiar, but what makes this all the more interesting is QD’s recent ad for an audition call for Asian males who were preferably Chinese. This all could be for Beyond, but with the game releasing later this year, it does seem odd for them to be holding casting calls now, considering an actor needs to be chosen, mo-capped extensively and then rendered for the game – all of which is a time intensive process, and is generally done as soon as possible in a game’s development cycle.

There’s no point speculating too extensively about what this means at this juncture, as we still need to uncover more before we can start to see the full picture. But, with that said, it does suggest that Quantic Dream could be already working on their next-next game, which is surely promising news for people planning to get a PS4.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.


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