Beyond: Two Souls on PS4 Hasn’t “Been Decided Yet,” Quantic Dream’s PS4 Title is “a Very Ambitious Project”

Back in March, Guillaume de Fondaumière, co-CEO of Quantic Dream, announced that the studio is working on a game for the PlayStation 4, something David Cage said “you would be amazed” with.

Speaking to Eurogamer recently, Guillaume revealed how long they’ve had their hands on the PS4 dev kits:

We received PS4 development kits – at the beginning it’s specs then it becomes early kits – very early on. We were among the first studios in the world to receive those kits.

As for a timeframe of when the development of that PS4 title began, he said that “we’ve started to work on the pre-production of that new game since the middle of last year.” While whatever this game is hasn’t gone into full production yet, Guillaume did note that “it’s a very ambitious project, so it’s going to start [full production] when it’s ready.”

Switching to Beyond: Two Souls, Quantic Dream’s previous stance on the game being ported to PS4 was that it was “so far” PS3 only, but now, de Fondaumière added that it’s “not been decided yet.”

Do you think we’ll see Beyond: Two Souls on PS4? When do you expect to hear something about Quantic Dream’s new game? Let us know in the comments below.

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