Naughty Dog on The Last of Us DLC: Trophies, Familiar Faces, Co-op, Horde Mode, Infected not in Multiplayer, More

Now that we finally have some answers about The Last of Us’ Season Pass, it’s time to ask even more questions about it, which Eric Monacelli, Community Strategist at Naughty Dog, was more than happy to address.

Since he covered so many different topics on the PS Blog, we’ve placed the important info in bullet point form:

  • There will be new trophies with The Last of Us DLC and they will “be as reasonable as possible” when fitting the DLC content.
  • Naughty Dog will try to release those trophies alongside the DLC (they didn’t with Uncharted 3) “but sometimes technical issues interfere with timing of trophies. All said we learn from each game we make and will do our best to sync drops and trophies.”
  • Eric can’t say if Ellie will be in the single player DLC, though “you will see some familiar faces for sure.”
  • They will reveal the new character in the single player DLC “very soon.”
  • The single player DLC will be “waaaay longer than 10 mins that’s for sure. We won’t know until it’s done or nearly done.”
  • “Single player [DLC] has been in pre-production long before this month. We just cast the new character and that took some time to sort out in addition to other aspects of pre-production (such the concept art phase).”
  • As for the third DLC pack, they don’t know what it’s going to be yet and are still working out on what they’ll include, “but we will make something that’s the best fit for The Last of Us MP style.”
  • On adding infected to multiplayer: “We aren’t able to have the infected in multiplayer due to tech complexities/issues.”
  • As well: “It’s very unlikely infected will appear in MP. MP is about helping your clan survive against the factions and we have some tech issues working infected into MP.”
  • If you don’t have the Season Pass, each map pack is expected to be $9.99, though they are still working on pricing in other regions.
  • Naughty Dog is “constantly tweaking matchmaking [in TLOU MP] to optimize it,” with new patches coming.
  • The head items are expected to launch shortly after the first DLC pack on October 15th and they will be purely aesthetic, with no bonuses associated.
  • Eric promises that The Last of Us DLC “will make keeping your PS3 worthwhile.”
  • On adding single player co-op in DLC: “That’s not really in the wheelhouse for the the narrative. We designed the single player to play out the way it does as we feel that’s what best serves the narrative.”
  • The below carousel image is a piece of concept art from the single player DLC.


How excited are you for the DLC? Who do you hope returns? Let us know in the comments below.

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