Does Activision Still Own the Crash Bandicoot License? Adam Boyes Says Yes; Activision Says “No Comment”

Yesterday, we let you know how Reddit user CocoBandicoot had posted a very detailed timeline of the Crash Bandicoot series, leading up to the fact that it has seemingly disappeared from Activision’s website. Since posting that timeline though, a few developments have happened.

First, Adam Boyes, VP of Publisher & Developer Relations at SCEA, chimed in when someone on Twitter posted that Crash Bandicoot on PS4 could be happening, by saying:

Activision owns the IP, so you should ask them about it…

When he was directed to the below image that appeared in a recent PS4 launch trailer (around :48) which points Crash towards Sony, he simply put, “:(.”


Furthermore, when Videogamer’s David Scammell asked Activision whether they still owned the Crash Bandicoot license, he was given an answer of “No comment.” And when Activision Support was asked if they knew why Crash Bandicoot was removed their website, they said, “Unfortunately, we have no info at this time. If you are interested in another title, we can forward your suggestion for review.”

Hopefully we’ll get some information from Activision clearing up this situation soon.


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