DICE Has No Future Plans to Add Pre-Game Squad Feature to Battlefield 4

In Battlefield 3, friends could find each other and form a squad prior to play. Such a feature is not currently available in Battlefield 4 and it doesn’t seem like DICE will add pre-game squad functionality any time soon.

According to a DICE representative on Facebook:

We have a new feature in Battlefield 4 where a new squad is created when a friend joins your game. You can toggle this option on or off by going into the options menu. We’re not offering the old squad join feature because we didn’t feel that the feature in Battlefield 3 was on par with the quality that we wanted to offer our players. We have no plans to add it in the future.

Given the current situation with the game’s online component (which a patch should resolve this week), it may be hard to judge the new squad feature, but any fans of the prior system are going to be out of luck.

What are your thoughts on Battlefield 4‘s squad feature? Do you prefer the system in Battlefield 3? Let us know in the comments.

More on Battlefield 4: