The New IP in Development at Sony Santa Monica has been Cancelled, Dev Confirms

When the news of layoffs at Sony Santa Monica first broke, it was reported that a project at the studio had been cancelled, but Sony didn’t comment on it when they released their statement about the “reduction in workforce”.

Today, former Sony Santa Monica Lead Level Designer Jonathan Hawkins took to his Twitter account and confirmed that the new IP Sony Santa Monica was working on has been cancelled. Pressed a little further, Hawkins also confirmed that the IP in question was Stig Asmussen’s project.

Adding in that “we were surprised too” about the layoffs and cancellation and how the new IP was going to be “bad ass,” Hawkins gave a “no comment” when asked about Stig and said he couldn’t comment on what the IP was because “it’s not my IP.”

Hawkins also responded to someone who asked if someone from Sony might explain what happened:

Prob not and I’m not gonna air out the dirty laundry. It is what it is :(.

All of these answers by Jonathan were preceded by this message:

Yesterday, I was laid off. It was a good 10 year run & I got to make three 90+ games. I lived the dream & got to accomplish all of my goals. Except one… making something out of nothing & creating a new AAA IP.

The saddest part of waking up today is I no longer get to work with my family. Secondly, the pain that I feel for my friends who have lost their jobs.

The saddest & most important part is the game I was creating for the player that will never be played. I’m sorry that I’ve failed you.

I’ve been awoken from my dream, but soon I will fall into a gentle slumber. My Vishnu skills will become better from this & I’ll dream again.

At the very least, it appears as though Cory Barlog’s project at Sony Santa Monica is still happening.
