DriveClub Release Date Announcement Happening “In the Weeks to Come”

Following over 4 months of silence, the DriveClub Facebook and Twitter accounts finally offered an update regarding DriveClub, which has gone from “back to the drawing board” to making spectacular progress in those few short months.

While the statement from Evolution Studios given over the weekend may not include concrete details, it does say we can expect the official DriveClub release date, full game details, and new videos in the weeks to come:

We know you want news about DriveClub. We are going to bring you up to speed with a full DriveClub update soon, because we are immensely proud of how the game is developing and we’re confident you’ll see why when we show you more.

We are also really grateful for your ongoing support and enthusiasm. Your comments, tweets and emails are a huge source of motivation for the team and you keep us fired up and working hard to achieve our ambitions for the game.

Expect an official release date, full game details and new videos in the weeks to come. We’ll be here to take questions and to chat to you too, so share a message with us and keep following for more updates. We’re looking forward to showing you more!

When pressed further about whether “in the weeks to come” meant E3, Evolution said, “Expect more info in the weeks up to E3.”

Evolution Studios also commented on the car sounds:

The sound of each and every car in the game is distinct and authentic. We go to great lengths to capture the soul of every car and how it sounds is a big part of that! The sound even changes depending on which camera view you choose to drive with.

When do you think we’ll see DriveClub? Let everyone know in the comments below.



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