Ask PSLS – So… Destiny

Ask PSLS is a feature that sources questions from our community of readers via TwitterFacebookthe forums, and even your emails. If you have a question for the staff to answer, contact us at any of those channels and you could be featured on the next Ask PSLS, with the possibility of winning a prize for being chosen!

Nobody asked this question. In fact, it’s not even really a question. It’s more of a statement — a word, actually. A word that follows a coordinating conjunction, awkwardly connecting this word to everything and anything that could come before it, because we all know what’s on everyone’s minds right now. 

So… Destiny.

Alex Co (@excaliburps)

I’ve played until level four and loving it so far. Then again, that’s not a surprise as I really liked what I played from the alpha and beta. I think I’ll mostly go solo for the story parts, and just squad up for strikes and other stuff. It’s easily worth the price of admission, I think — especially when you factor in the breadth of content it has.

Will it live up to the hype? I can’t say for sure right now, but it is fun; and that’s what matters the most, right?

Chandler Wood (@FinchStrife)

I am thoroughly impressed with everything I have seen so far. It is not without its faults, sure, but Bungie have seemingly successfully implemented the MMO mindset into a first person shooter on consoles, which feels like an incredible feat. What remains to be seen is how well it continues to be supported after launch, but given how successful things have been so far, I can’t wait to see what insanity public events, raids, and other support for the game brings to our time with Destiny.

D’yani Wood (@Dyani)

I am impressed with just about every aspect of Destiny. They thought through everything, and added little details that make it a very high quality game. It is also kind of guiding the masses to a different way of thinking about gaming. You will be online, and people will be around you playing the game at the same time, doing whatever they want. You’ll need to actively seek out teams to complete strikes or raids, and they require skill. Basically, they’re introducing the new norm for online play. This game is also very obviously “Book One” of a long series. I think it’s kind of limited in that way, but that’s fine because I’m so excited for what is to come.

Dan Oravasaari (@FoolsJoker)

There really isn’t much to say that wasn’t already discussed on this week’s episode of Bad Gamers, but since I have gotten a bit more into the game since we recorded, I can say that I have really started to see more of the depth of the game and am pleasantly surprised. Given the chaos that ensued when Chandler, John V., and I tried to take on the moon’s strike mission — a mission that genuinely stopped us in our tracks — I can say that I can’t wait to see what lies ahead.

Jason Dunning

I’m still waiting for my copy of Destiny to show up in the mail, so I’ve been stuck watching livestreams of people playing the game. So far, my anticipation hasn’t waned, though I do feel like Peter Dinklage’s deadpan voice will get a little annoying after some time.

Louis Edwards (@ftwrthtx)

I was sent two copies of Destiny, one for the PS3 and one for the PS4. The gameplay across both is identical (the trigger buttons are swapped but that’s an easy fix) and to go from one console to the other is seamless. The game itself is a blast to play, and for someone that has friends across both PlayStation platforms, owning both versions means you can play with anyone that has the game, all the while using the same character and progressions. Game saves and data are all saved online, so moving between consoles is as easy as turning one off, and turning the other on.

Paulmichael Contreras

I haven’t actually bought it yet. Between working 17 hours Monday night, school, and another review due today, I haven’t found much time to even buy the game! It’s on my hit-list though, as I plan to buy it soon… Meanwhile, Bungie has been emailing me my alpha and beta rewards for playing back then, those damn teasers!


I had a Web server take a dump right before midnight, so my Destiny was to spend most of my night driving into town to kick servers. What I had time to play before I went to bed was remarkably like the alpha and the beta, but with trophies. My wife was annoyed this morning when I told her I was already level 4, now she has to rush through her errands to have time to catchup.

I think all major consoles (sorry Nintendo) need to think a bit more about the timed launches for digital downloads. There was a lot of confusion about when people could play. My twitter timeline was full of people bitching about having to wait until 3AM Eastern when their friends that bought physical copies were already playing. First world problems aside, if digital is the future we need to figure out a better way of handling this. The solution? Determine time zone based on the same technology that your phone uses to find your location. Unlock based on time zone. Easy. For that simple solution, I only require the ability to override that and get all of the games as if I’m in New Zealand.

Zarmena Khan (@Zarmena)

I’m not buying the game yet because I’m just not convinced that it’s for me. I’m a single-player type of person and after playing the beta, I think it’s safe to say that the game is designed to be more of a social experience rather than solo. I might get it when the price goes down but not a necessary purchase for me at the moment. That said, I watched Chandler play it yesterday for a little bit and thought it looked good. I feel like it’s going to be a treat for those who are into the genre.

So… Destiny? Let us know your own thoughts on the game so far, from the content, to the launch, to future support. Remember to send us questions for Ask PSLS on TwitterFacebookthe forums, and email. Be sure to check back next Wednesday to see what question the PSLS staff will be answering!


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