Crytek Says It’s Becoming Difficult to Impress Gamers With Beautiful Graphics

Crytek may not have come out with some of the best games recently, but it can’t be denied that the company has produced some really beautiful looking titles in the past. However, Crytek believes that impressing gamers with graphics is no longer an easy feat. In response to a question by DSOGaming about pushing graphical boundaries in upcoming games, Nicolas Schulz, Principal Rendering Engineer at Crytek Frankfurt said:

As opposed to the times of the original Crysis, we as an industry have reached a quality level now where it is getting increasingly more difficult to really wow people. That said, there’s still enough areas to explore and we will definitely keep pushing the boundaries as much as possible.

Later on in the same interview, Schulz spoke of console limitations, stating that the new generation of consoles are still behind highs-spec Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). 

The consoles are clearly behind high-spec GPUs in terms of raw horsepower, however on the positive side, they share the same modern architecture which enables a wealth of interesting optimization techniques. Due to the console differences we had to work a bit harder on the final optimizations but I’m happy that we never had to sacrifice any visual quality.

Crytek’s most recent game, Ryse: Son of Rome, was a timed Xbox One exclusive that got lukewarm reception. However, the developer said earlier this year that there may be a Ryse 2, which it could bring to PlayStation platforms as well.

[Source: DSOGaming]