Unmechanical: Extended PS4 & PS3 Release Date Announced

Launching on February 10 in North America and February 11 in Europe for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 is Unmechanical: Extended. Featuring cross-buy, the game will cost $9.99/€9.99, with PlayStation Plus members getting a 20% discount at launch.

An adventure-puzzle game from Grip Games, Talawa Games, and Teotl Studios, Unmechanical: Extended sees you playing as a little robot who must escape a strange underground complex by solving “a lot of puzzles.” With this Extended edition, you’ll receive the Extended story mode, where you return to the Unmechanical complex again to unravel even more mysteries and save your friend.

A PlayStation Vita version was revealed in the original announcement, but nothing was mentioned about it today.

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