Musical Title “Sentris” Will Be Heading to PS4, Allowing Console Players to Create Unique Songs

Samantha Kalman, a musician, a game developer, and the founder of Timbre Interactive, recently took to the official PlayStation Blog to announce that her musical game Sentris will be hitting the PS4 sometime in the future.

Kalman mentioned that unlike many other rhythm and music games, Sentris is to focus on creating original music, rather than re-creating other people’s songs.

As a player, I’ve been wanting a game where I get to make my own music with a high degree of control. Sentris is that game. To play, you drop curved blocks called “Sound Blocks” into a spinning loop. As you do, they play their contained sound, and they play once more with each full rotation of the loop.

She also explained that there will be a few different game modes, and Timbre Interactive is working on allowing players to share their musical creations.

Sentris is currently on Steam via early access, and although no release date was announced for the PS4, more information concerning the musical title will be put on the official Sentris Development Blog when it becomes available. What do you think Sentris? Does it look like something you might be interested in?

[Source: PlayStation Blog]