Hitman’s Additional Content Will be Released for Free, Says IO Interactive

When Hitman was unveiled at E3 2015, we were told that additional content will be added to the game in regular intervals following its launch. Many were concerned about this, wondering if it meant having to pay for it. IO Interactive has now clarified that this won’t be the case, and that all the content released during 2016 will be free. We’re also told that there won’t be any DLC or microtransactions.

Speaking to VideoGamer, studio head Hannes Seifert further explained:

It is fully complete at launch but it is not finished. What we do is we start the journey on December 8 and what we put out there is going to be a big game. But over the course of 2016 we’ll add more locations, more missions and we’ll have things like targets that only appear for, say, 2 days. That’s something you can only do in the live world.

When asked if this means that Hitman is an early access game, Seifert reiterated that the game will ship as a complete product.

We’re not an Early Access game because Early Access games are unfinished by definition – you’re part of the development. Everything we ship on December 8 will be completely finished, it will be a very polished experience. It’s also going to be a very big game. There are other products that sell a game for $60 and then try to sell you a Season Pass for another $40 on top, so you spend $100 or $120 for all the stuff that happens later on. We said no, we don’t want to do that.

Wondering what you will get at launch? Seifert said that the developer is still deciding what Hitman will include at launch, but he promised that it’ll be a big day-one release, and that the upcoming title is a “full-fledged Hitman” game. We’re told that this will be a bigger title than Absolution and that the biggest levels are “way bigger than anything we had in Blood Money.”

Hitman launches on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on December 8.

[Source: VideoGamer]


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