Star Wars Battlefront Fighter Squadron Gameplay Trailer Features Air Combat and the Millennium Falcon

The new Star Wars Battlefront “Fighter Squadron” mode, which was teased yesterday, has now been officially released during EA’s gamescom 2015 conference.

The above trailer shows off the game’s air combat, with the Rebel and Empire forces weaving in and out of each other’s sights. The Millennium Falcon then enters the battle, with Han Solo giving a cocky quip before taking out the final target.

Despite the disappointment from fans when it was announced that space battles wouldn’t be in the games, perhaps this gameplay will help satiate the hunger for air combat. 

Star Wars Battlefront will be out this November for the PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Here’s the rest of the details straight from the press release:

In Fighter Squadron you’ll jump into the iconic ships of the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire. Behind the sticks of X-wings, A-wings, TIE fighters, and TIE Interceptors you’ll engage in aerial battles with up to 20 players. AI-controlled ships join the battles, giving players an intense, action-packed experience.

Your team’s objective is to destroy more fighters than the other team. If your team reaches the score limit of 200 kills or has the most kills when the time limit is over, your side wins!

But there’s more than dogfights to worry about. As transport shuttles are being utilized by both the Rebels and Imperials, your job will be to either attack the other team’s shuttle or keep yours out of harm’s way. Expect intense fights over the transport shuttles and earn bonus points if you “take care” of them as your objective directs.

When you hit the cockpit, you’ll use several offensive and defensive tactics. Your ship’s laser cannons will rough up enemy targets and missiles will do a great deal of damage.

Each side also has a unique ship ability: Imperial ships can get from A to B in just a few, ahem, parsecs with their speed boost and the Rebels can activate a shield for when the going gets tough. Chased or outnumbered? Both sides can hit one of the evasive maneuver buttons to quickly shake off enemies.

If you want to give yourself and your team an edge, look for powerups located in key areas of the map. Often placed low and by challenging flight paths, these pickups are a bit tricky to reach but with bonuses like ship repairs or shorter missile cooldown they’re definitely worth the trip.

Then there’s that special powerup, the one that gives you a few minutes piloting the galaxy’s most coveted starfighters.

“For the Rebels, the Hero starfighter is the Millennium Falcon. The Imperial team will get to pilot Slave-1, made famous by Jango and Boba Fett,” Peter Forsman explains.

Apart from the thrill of taking control over these epic ships (hot tip: try out the cockpit view to fulfill that Boba Fett battle fantasy), Hero starfighters possess better attack and defense abilities. Learn where the pickups are located and you’ll be a Fighter Squadron ace in no time.

Fighter Squadron is designed for all fans who ever wanted to dogfight in the skies with their favorite ships from the Star Wars universe. It’s challenging and the aerial battles will require some skills, but Peter Forsman ensures us that the mode will welcome all players:

“The fact that there are AI-controlled enemies that need to be taken down means that players who aren’t ace pilots still can help out their team. Fighter Squadron is definitely for everyone, and you’ll feel right at home if you’re a fan of the Star Wars starfighter battles,” says Forsman.

So no matter if you’re an ace or rookie pilot, we hope you’ll enjoy your time in the air when Fighter Squadron launches with Star Wars Battlefront on November 17th.