Overwatch Open Beta Saw Over 9.7 Million Players, Trophy List Revealed

Blizzard announced today that the recent open beta for Overwatch saw more than 9.7 million players worldwide on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, making it their biggest open beta ever.

With the open beta seeing over 81 million hours of playtime across more than 37 million matches, Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime talked about its success:

We’re thrilled that such an incredible number of players from around the globe got a chance to check out Overwatch during the Open Beta. Our mission was to make sure as many console and PC gamers as possible could experience the full game ahead of its launch – the response was overwhelming, and we hope that everyone had a blast.

For comparison, the Star Wars Battlefront beta drew over nine million players, while The Division saw 6.4 million players.

In other Overwatch news, Exophase has revealed the full Trophy list, which contains 60 Trophies. The one Gold Trophy, Centenary, requires you to win 100 games in Quick or Competitive Play. Some of the Silver ones require you to get a 20 player kill streak in Quick or Competitive Play, reach level 50, and win a Control map without the enemy capturing an objective in Quick or Competitive Play.

Overwatch releases on May 24.

[Source: Play Overwatch (Twitter)]