Top 5 Reasons Why We’re Not Excited for E3

In just a few days, this year’s E3 2016 will finally kick off and bringing with it, a host of new game reveals, previews of upcoming games, interviews and a lot more. While video game fans are (understandably) hyped for the big event, we (games media) aren’t as hyped up as you might think.

Sure, we’re excited to get our hands on the latest games, talk to the people that make our favorite games, but at the same time, people might not understand just how much work is involved in these things. As mentioned in yesterday, E3 essentially starts a month out for games media people, and it doesn’t end when the event ends. Rather, there’s a lot of work that still needs to be sorted, edited and published before we can call E3 a wrap.

Having said that mouthful, check out the top five reasons why we’re not excited for E3 2016 — or for any E3 for that matter. 

What do you think of our complaints? Valid or are we nitpicking just a tad? As always, share us your thoughts and why you aren’t excited for E3 in the comments below.

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