Tekken 7 Features Outlined, Said to Be the “Final Chapter” of the Mishima Blood Saga

Bandai Namco has sent out a press release listing the Tekken 7 features fans can expect in the latest entry to the long-running fighting game franchise. 

Possibly the most interesting one is the mentioning how this is the “final chapter” to the Mishima family drama that’s been the series’ plot anchor since, I dunno, forever, right?

Here are the Tekken 7 features:

UNREAL ENGINE 4 – Powered by Unreal Engine 4, TEKKEN 7 is the best lookingTEKKEN game ever through near photo-realistic graphics and the addition of stunning fighting effects.

SEAMLESS STORY EXPERIENCE – Powerful cinematic story sequences blending flawlessly into fierce battles that unveils the thrilling storyline of the Mishima family in a very innovative way.

ROSTER OF OVER 30 PLAYABLE CHARACTERS – A solid roster of over 30 characters including brand new fighters with one of the world’s biggest move-set list in a fighting game that allows for a complete freedom of your fighting style. Find your favourite deadly techniques, martial arts moves and combos to win the fight!

STREET FIGHTER CROSS-OVER CHARACTER – AKUMA – Street Fighter’s Akuma flawlessly transitions into the 3D space and joins the fray in an epic franchise mash-up complete with all his shoto-style moves and fireballs.

ALL NEW BATTLE MECHANICS & MOVES – Classic 1vs1 battles return along with new moves and battle mechanics like “Rage Arts”, “Power Crushes” and “Rage Drives” that make gameplay more accessible for players of all skill levels. Beating your friends inTEKKEN 7 will be based on either focused training or just pure fun.

THE FINAL CHAPTER OF THE MISHIMA BLOOD SAGA TEKKEN 7 represents the final chapter of the 20-year-long Mishima feud. Unveil the monumental ending to the emotionally charged family warfare between members of the Mishima clan as they struggle to settle old scores and battle for control of a global empire, putting the balance of the world in peril…

Tekken 7 is scheduled to hit the PS4, Xbox One and PC sometime in early 2017. 


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