Psyonix Completes Work on Rocket League PS4 & Xbox One Cross-Play, Now It’s up to Sony

Earlier this year, Microsoft announced Cross-Network Play, which would potentially allow PlayStation 4 and Xbox One users to play together online. Rocket League developer Psyonix was on board with this from day one, but Sony wouldn’t commit to anything as they only recently learned about it and the process to enable it is quite complicated.

Now, in an interview with IGN four months after the original cross-play announcement, Psyonix Vice President Jeremy Dunham has revealed that development is completed on their end and it could be implemented within a day – provided Sony gives them the go-ahead:

Right now, we’re literally at the point where all we need is the go-ahead on the Sony side and we can, in less than a business day, turn it on and have it up and working no problem. It’d literally take a few hours to propagate throughout the whole world, so really we’re just waiting on the permission to do so.

Dunham doesn’t know when Sony might give them the green light – “it could be tomorrow, it could be longer than that” – and he understands that something like this takes time, as Sony needs to figure out the roadblocks and other issues.

He added:

We definitely ask them for updates often, and we’re still very confident that they’re eventually going to open those doors and welcome us in, but we also are really understanding that it’s going to take a while especially given all the ramifications of everything.

In other Rocket League news, it passed 19 million players earlier this week after just over a year on the market, and the four new vehicles previously only available in the Collector’s Edition are now up for purchase at $1.99 each.

Do you think Sony should allow PS4 and Xbox One cross-play?

[Source: IGN, Rocket League (1), (2)]