Europe PlayStation Store Starts Totally Digital and Big in Japan Promotions

The European PlayStation Store has just launched two different promotions today – the Totally Digital promotion and the Big in Japan promotion – which offers a whole lot of games with pretty big discounts.

The Totally Digital promotion offers digital and indie releases at a discount of up to 65% off including titles such as Rocket League, What Remains of Edith Finch, Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap, Euro Fishing, and Darkest Dungeon. There’s also discounts on content for free-to-play titles such as Neverwinter, World of Tanks, Warframe, and more.


The Big in Japan promotion celebrates games that have come out of Japan and offers them at discount rates of up to 60%. The promotion includes titles such as Resident Evil 7, Final Fantasy XV, Yazuka Zero, Dark Souls III, and more for the PS4 as well as Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster, World of Final Fantasy, Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers, Toukiden 2, Dragon Quest Builders, and more for the PS Vita.

Both promotions run from today until July 19, 2017, and it must be noted that some titles included in the promotions may not be available in all regions.

[Source: PlayStation Blog (EU) [1,2]]