Call of Duty WWII campaign

Documentary Looks at How Call of Duty: WWII Aims to Honor Veterans

Making a game based off a real life atrocity where millions of innocent lives were lost is a tricky proposition, and one that can appear insensitive. That’s something that Call of Duty: WWII developer Sledgehammer Games have been open about since the first-person shooter was unveiled, and they’ve now released a documentary that showcases why they believe their campaign is an homage to the heroes of World War II.

Check out the seven minute documentary entitled Brotherhood of Heroes below:

Official Call of Duty®: WWII – ‘Brotherhood of Heroes’ Documentary

Here’s the description for Brotherhood of Heroes courtesy of Activision:

Call of Duty: WWII will take players to the front lines of war-torn Western Europe during one of history’s greatest conflicts, where the stakes were high and the only thing standing in the way of Nazi oppression was a generation of ordinary men and women willing to make extraordinary sacrifices to preserve our way of life.

Get a peek at how Sledgehammer Games pays homage to the men and women who answered history’s call through a gripping Campaign Mode that aims to redefine World War II for a new generation of gamers. The journey begins on November 3.

Here’s more on the story, courtesy of Sledgehammer Games:

Call of Duty: WWII tells the story of Private Ronald “Red” Daniels, a young recruit in the U.S. First Infantry Division who experiences combat for the first time on D-Day, one of the largest amphibious assaults in history. After surviving the beaches of Normandy, Red and his squad will fight their way across Europe, engaging the enemy in iconic battle locations such as the Hürtgen Forest and the Battle of the Bulge, as they make their way into Germany. The journey begins on November 3.

Call of Duty: WWII releases on November 3 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.


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