thq nordic koch media

THQ Nordic Announces Acquisition of Koch Media

THQ Nordic has announced today that they have acquired Koch Media for €121 million. The deal – which sees THQ acquiring all of Koch Media – means that THQ will now also take over Deep Silver, the publisher of Saints Row, Dead Island, and Kingcom Come: Deliverance.

For those who might not have remembered, THQ’s assets were picked up in late 2012 after the company was forced to close its doors, so today’s move now sees a lot of franchises move back under the THQ umbrella. Regarding the acquisition, THQ Nordic has said it will monitor and delegate resources in an effort to make sure top quality is insured.

In a brief statement, Lars Wingefors – CEO of THQ Nordic – praised the acquisition, revealing how happy the company was to acquire the likes of Deep Silver. “Koch Media has a long history of profitability despite losses incurred from some less successful game releases. THQ Nordic is convinced that the development studios of Deep Silver as part of THQ Nordic will successfully deliver at least four ongoing AAA game projects including Metro Exodus as well as the next Volition Studio AAA release and the next Dambuster Studio AAA release, together with a number of other game development and publishing titles.”, says Wingefors.

In its statement regarding the move, THQ Nordic says it has no plans to restructure or change Deep Silver, and Koch Media will continue to operate as its own entity, and as such, the list of in-development games at Deep Silver will not be impacted, meaning there should (hopefully) be no delays or layoffs at the company. Wingefors said he believes Deep Silver will release at least four ongoing projects this year, including the highly anticipated Metro Exodus.


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