No Man's Sky Patch 1.65

Flesh-Eating Plants Makes No Man’s Sky’s Universe 10% Scarier

It seems to be that time of the week, because Hello Games has just updated No Man’s Sky with yet another patch. This implemented welcome additions and fixes, a carnivorous bush, and a new Community Research update.

Let’s start by learning more about that Community Research:

Specialist Polo has at last emerged from the most involved data analysis they have ever undertaken—followed up by a more physical challenge in their workshop, crafting a new device to move this mystery forwards. They are exhausted and disoriented, but triumphant: they have identified the exact origin of the logs left by their lost Traveller-friends, ultimately a question of “when”, rather than where.

Polo requests that participating explorers apply this specialized device to a number of transmission devices on a specific world, characterized by oversized flora. They hypothesize that, with the right time-tuning, and well-considered decisions, it may be possible for explorers to influence events occurring outside of the present moment…

On top of this new mission, you’ll also be able to grab yourself a set of bronze, silver, and gold Atlas statues, each one featuring a rotating core. Three new plants have also been added: a carnivorous bush, a maize-like plant, and a squat dwarf palm. Take care when coming close to that first one!

The patch list is less extensive than prior lists, but important nonetheless:

  • Further fixes to rectify getting stuck when exiting the starship
  • Updated mission logic
  • Updated text

If you’d like to make suggestions for further additions to No Man’s Sky’s continued updates, you can take part in the Explorer Feedback Survey.

What else would you like to see added or changed in the game? Let us know in the comments!

[Source: No Man’s Sky]