SON Release

RedG Studio Compares the Final Version of S.O.N to Its Initial Trailer

RedG Studio’s delay was disappointing for those eager to wander the dark, disturbing environments of their upcoming psychological horror game, S.O.N. But their latest trailer gave players plenty to look forward to with official new areas unveiled. With the game’s release “coming soon” the studio took to Twitter to explain the differences to expect between the initial trailer and the final version of the game.

Check them out below.

Some changes were made for technical reasons and are hardly noticeable.

Others were a mix of technological restraints and the need to budget time well. The hours that would’ve been spent crafting that original forest were likely used to develop other facets of the game.

Lastly, some changes directly improve the game in the eyes of the developers. For instance, the team swapped out some eerie wandering for more story-telling components.

It’s interesting to see a studio outwardly announce the differences between the game’s final build and initial promotional material. Perhaps it was transparency for transparency’s sake. Or perhaps the team didn’t want to face backlash over perceived “downgrading.”

Regardless of why RedG Studios shared these side-by-sides, the fact that the studio is already comparing original promotional material to the final game is a good sign. The release date announcement could be just around the corner.

S.O.N will be a PlayStation 4 exclusive.

[Source: Twitter]


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