PS5 Development

SIE’s First-Party Studios Supposedly Shifting to PS5 Development as Dev Kits Are Going Out to Developers

To some, it may seem too soon to start talking about the next generation of consoles. After all, the PS4 is doing amazingly, recently reaching over 90 million units sold. However, with the PS4 coming up on its sixth birthday, it’s no question that development for PS5 is slowly ramping up as a priority for first-party studios. An analyst named Daniel Ahmed, who works at market research company Niko Partners, seems to have the scoop on PS5 and how SIE is approaching its development.

Ahmed stated on a ResetEra thread:

PS5 dev kits are out there and I’ve heard positive things about it. But I wouldn’t expect any information in the immediate future. 2019 will be another solid year for the platform due to the large install base, growing network sales, strong third party software, first party software and back catalog. Lineup for the first half of the year is set but second half is still in flux. Sony also has a couple of unannounced games (already existing IP) with PS4 in mind but I’m conscious that there have been discussions around making them cross gen/next gen titles. In general, most of the focus for Sony 1P is on PS5 right now. It is still early to talk about next gen but I imagine we’ll hear some whispers come out of GDC.

Many are expecting to get an announcement for the new system this year, with perhaps a 2020 release window for a PlayStation 5. With Sony skipping PSX 2018 and E3 2019, the mystery surrounding the company’s plans for the future is uncertain. As it takes the lead in the console-sphere, it has an opportunity to start the next generation off on the right foot and continue its success.

Do you think we’ll get a PS5 announcement this year? Let us know in the comments!

[Source: Gear Nuke]

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