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Marvel’s Avengers Will Be ‘New and Original’ Like 2013’s Tomb Raider Reboot, Says Crystal Dynamics

Crystal Dynamics Studio Head Scot Amos has said that the developer’s take on Marvel’s Avengers will be “new and original,” much like its approach to 2013’s Tomb Raider reboot.

“We stake our reputation on it!” Amos told the PlayStation Blog. “Just like we approached Lara Croft back in 2013, we want to show the world how we do things in a new and original way.”

A team of developers across five studios are working on Marvel’s Avengers. You’d be forgiven for thinking this might negatively affect development but Amos believes things are working “in an almost magical way.”

“Four of the five studios have collaborated many times in the past, and the fifth is a new studio created by our people, so we know who we’re working with – if we didn’t have those relationships, it’d be tough,” Amos explained. So how exactly are the developers working together? In Amos’ own words:

Inside of Crystal Dynamics we have our ‘PET team’ – the Player-Enemy Team. They’re the heart and soul of all the character design, the move sets and the combat styles. Shaun Escayg, our Creative Director, along with Bill Rosemann, VP & Creative Director at Marvel Games and his team, collaborate on everything.

Marvel, from the beginning have been great and pushing us to be authentic, but also original. They have 80 years of content to draw from, and it’s not just how they play, it’s how they look and interact. So there’s been a process where they’ll let us go in our own direction while still drawing on that history, saying, ‘Hey remember this comic, or this one panel where Hulk did X,Y,Z – what’s your take on that?’

Marvel’s Avengers will release on May 15, 2020 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Google Stadia, and PC.

[Source: PlayStation Blog]

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