far cry 6 leak

People Think that the Boy Pictured in Far Cry 6 Art is Young Vaas

A tweet by IGN’s Joe Skrebels and subsequent internet detective work has let people to believe that Far Cry 6 is a prequel to Far Cry 3 and that the boy featured in the upcoming title’s key art is a young Vaas.

As you can see in the tweet below, the boy named Diego appears to have a scar like Vaas – the critically-acclaimed villain of Far Cry 3. Do note that the character didn’t have this scar in the game but actor Michael Mando sported one in his live action appearances as Vaas.

When Skrebels’ tweet started making rounds, social media users pointed towards a Reddit AMA from April, during which Mando teased the idea of returning to Far Cry. He wrote:

Vaas is my spirit animal – having co-created that character is something that will always be dear to me. I still get recognized as Vaas, and I still feel the outpouring of love for that character – makes me very happy. Who knows… maybe I will reprise the role very soon? :p Thank you for watching xo

Polygon pointed out that Mando and Giancarlo Esposito, who will play the role of Far Cry 6‘s villain, have been working together on Better Call Saul. While this is a bit of a stretch since actors work together on multiple projects, people have theorized that Mando helped bring Esposito on board and they’ll be working together on the game as well.

None of this proves if Diego is young Vaas and we’re unlikely to find out until the game releases so this detective work will continue for a while!

Do our readers think Far Cry 6 is a prequel to Far Cry 3?