PS5 Comparison Pics Show Size Difference Between Slim and Launch Models

PS5 Comparison Pics Show Size Difference Between Slim and Launch Models

A Reddit user has created unofficial renders of the PS5 Slim and launch models placed together to show a size comparison. Sony provided dimensions for the revised model but didn’t release any official photos to show how much of a difference players can expect overall.

PS5 Slim looks much smaller than the launch model

When reports and images of the PS5 Slim originally surfaced, insiders debated whether the new iteration would classify as “slim” since, based on their initial information, there wasn’t much of a size difference. Much of the focus was placed on the console coming with a detachable drive. Now, thanks to Reddit user NatureCertain, we have a fairly good idea of how much smaller the Slim version really is. Check out the renders below.

The PS5 Slim looks considerably smaller than many had assumed. Sony has revealed its dimensions as 358 × 96 × 216 mm for the disc version and 358 × 80 × 216 mm for the digital version, excluding projecting parts. Sony says that the PS5 “has been reduced in volume by more than 30%, and weight by 18% and 24%.”

Based on specs alone, the Slim isn’t an upgrade of any sort. Rumor has it that a proper upgrade is in the works in the form of a PS5 Pro.


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