PS4 Version of Battlefield 4 Gets a Patch, Decreases Crashes and Increases Stability

In case you missed the news on Friday, DICE promised that “we will not move on to other projects until we are sure that Battlefield 4 meets – and exceeds – your expectations” when they wrote a blog post about all the issues hampering the game.

As part of improving Battlefield 4, DICE has released a new patch for the PS4 version of the game, which they say should “further decrease the amount of crashes and increase the overall stability of the game.” Here’s all the associated patch notes:

  • Fixed common crashes that could occur when changing weapons or maps.
  • Reduced the probability of a corrupted save file in the single player campaign.
  • Fixed a crash occurring when resuming the single player campaign.
  • Fixed a bug where accessing PlayStation Plus subscription resulted in a connection error.
  • Improved performance when shooting at destroyed Levolution objects.

What other fixes are hoping to see implemented in future Battlefield 4 patches? Let us know in the comments below.

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