MGO: New Beta Date Announced

As you all know, the MGO Beta was delayed due to excessive demands being placed on the servers. This is extremely disappointing to the say the least. Konami has released a statement regarding the current state of the beta and what we can look forward to.



We would like to thank all players for their keen interest in taking part in the beta test.

However, we regret to inform you that due to extraordinary levels of traffic from all around the globe, we have been unable to run the service to the level we expected.

As a temporary measure, we will be deferring the European public beta test and start it once we stabilize our server.

We would like to apologize for all inconveniences as well as confusion caused.

We would like to add that due to the above reasons, we will be making the following changes to the schedule:

1) Start date: Planned for 04/25/2008 24:00(PDT). While the start is planned for the weekend, it may change due to unforseen circumstances.

3) Beta Test closure: This will now be on 05/11/2008 at 24:00(PDT) rather than 05/05/2008 at 24:00(PDT)

IMPORTANT: Please note that your voucher code will only be valid up until 05/05/2008, so please make sure to register them by then.

As you can see, the Beta has been extended yet again. I think this can go a long way to make up for the delay. Everyone be on the lookout for more information as the week continues. Hopefully everything will be ready to go by the new estimated start date: April 25th.

Side Note:

A lot of blame has been thrown in Konami’s direction for not being completely prepared for the demand for the beta. However, I have come across an interesting counterargument recently. Some have voiced their displeasure with the individuals that got into the beta by “other means.” I’m not here to play the blame game. I’ll continue to say that I’m saddened by the delay, but I am happy that the length of the beta has been extended substantially. Hopefully this situation will be salvaged and everyone can look forward to a great experience with MGO.
