PS3 Update Inbound Soon; VidZone Included


According to Jake Osuwah (Sony PR), we will be getting a PS3 update soon.  We speculate that it will most likely arrive some time during E3, as VidZone is coming soon.  He doesn’t mention if it is a firmware update, or something that will be in a PS Store update.

Jake mentions it twice on his very active twitter page:

Heres Some Exclusive PS3 VIDZONE Video Footage We’ll be updating our PS3’s soon to this!

VIDZONE for the PlayStation 3 is now CONFIRMED coming real soon. Watch thousands of free music videos right on your PS3!

Up until now VidZone has been discussed as a PAL territory only service, but due to it being mentioned by a SCEA PR rep, and its inclusion at E3, this makes the chances for the US to see this service very high. We have contacted Jake Osuwah, and are awaiting confirmation on a US release.

VG247 has reported that the service goes live on June 4th, and guess what?  That is during E3 and a Thursday so that gives the likelihood of it being part of a PS Store update.

Make sure to check out this video of VidZone in action…


VidZone Official Webstie

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