Tecmo Bowl Throwback Could Be A Reality

For those that have never experienced the greatness of Tecmo Super Bowl I truly feel sorry for you. This is one of all my time favorite sports titles growing up. The amount of time spent scoring TD’s with Bo Jackson alone makes the game all the more memorable. The game is fun, simple, addictive, and brings out the competitive nature in sports fans.

So to hear news that a re-release of the title is a possibility, it is bound to lead to some excitement from long-time fans of the title.

Rumor has it that this title will be released via the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade. All of this information has come from a trusted source who provided this exclusive information to Joystiq. This will not just be the same old title rehashed either. It will be completely overhauled with HD graphics and updated soundtrack. Joystiq also states there will be the ability to create your own team as well. Not only that but for those that want to experience the original without the spruced up graphics just need to select via the options and they will be launched it to the original retro title with all it’s glory.



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