Diablo a Possibility for Consoles

Diablo has been a fan favorite for PC owners for many years, but when the original was ported to consoles, it didn’t meet the same success. After Diablo II skipped consoles all together, console gamers may be thinking there is no way Diablo III would come their way, but according to Blizzard Entertainments CEO, there is a possibility.

Speaking at DICE yesterday, Mike Morhaime, CEO at Blizzard Entertainment, talked about the possibility of Diablo heading to consoles:

I think you could make an argument that a game like Diablo might play very well on a console, It’s something that we’re actually doing an investigation into to see if that could make sense.

He did go on to say their main issues with a console versions, would be the ability to patch effectively, and add future expansions.

Blizzards concerns seem relatively similar to Valves concerns, which they remedied on the PS3 by adding in Steamworks for Portal 2. This allows them to patch Portal 2 easily. If this works out well for Portal 2, this really could open the door for many future PC games to be ported to the PS3, including Diablo.

So would you like to see the Diablo series make its way to consoles?
