Metal Gear Series Assassinates 30 Million Sales Milestone without Restraint

Since 1987, back when video games were much more simplistic and arcades were rad, Metal Gear has been the undisputed king of the stealth action genre. The mixture of tactical espionage, memorable characters, and a powerful narrative deeply rooted in politics and philosophy has captivated millions of consumers. With great success come milestones, and today Kojima Productions has an important one to share.

Jiro Oishi, manager of public relations at Kojima Productions, has announced that the Metal Gear series has surpassed 30 million sales. Jiro proclaimed the following (roughly translated):

The series “Metal Gear” has sold over 30 million copies worldwide. There may be other more impressive records out there, but if we take into account the platforms and the number of titles in the series, this milestone is awesome!

There have been over a dozen releases in the series, but the four main canon titles make up a bulk of the sales, with each selling between four to six million units each. The series isn’t done yet, either, as Hideo Kojima is hard at work on several new projects, and there’s even a Metal Gear Solid HD Collection coming later this year. We look forward to seeing what the future brings for this beloved series, and hopefully some of that exciting future is shared on the PlayStation Vita.