QuakeCon Hunted by Prey 2 Screenshots

The annual QuakeCon event has come and gone, but not without giving us some great media on upcoming games. One such game is Prey 2, where publisher Bethesda has released fourteen new screenshots for the first-person shooter.

In the screenshots we get a good look at a completely dark world, full of a rather kinky night club, lots of brutality, and plenty of combat. You play as U.S Marshal Killian Samuels, a bounty hunter with exceptional skills who tracks down whatever job he can on the alien world of Exodus. This is a sequel to the 2006 game Prey, which released on the PC and 360 to fairly solid review scores.

Prey 2 is in development at Human Head Studios and is set for release on the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC sometime in 2012. You can read our impressions of the game here. Will you be picking up the game next year when it releases?


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