Tomorrow on NA PS Plus: BioShock 2 for Free

In what seems to be a bid to make the BioShock Ultimate Rapture Edition obsolete (BioShock 1 comes free with Infinite), BioShock 2 will be offered for free to all PlayStation Plus members starting tomorrow, December 4th.

Going in the a less free direction with this next deal, you get just 10% off of the Rockstar Games Collection: Edition 1. This hard drive destroying download will now be $53.99, which is around the same price you get find these games in store separately.

In better deals news, Puddle on both the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita will be 50% off. This brings the PS3 version to $5 and the PS Vita one to just $4. If you’re in the mood for a good little puzzle game that will frustrate you at times, Puddle is well worth picking up.

Will BioShock 2 be making its way to your hard drive tomorrow? Let us know in the comments below.


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