Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Appears on Play Asia, Probably Isn’t Legitimate

Very shortly after The Phantom Pain was revealed at the Spike TV VGA’s last month, speculation arose that it was actually going to be Metal Gear Solid V. A product listing today from Play Asia for both a Japanese and United States version of the game has popped up, possibly leading to more evidence that this is true, but you shouldn’t put too much stock in it.

Just taking a closer look at the pages shows that the word ‘tentative’ appears in the USA title and the promo picture is taken from Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, while the Japanese listing uses the fan-made picture showing that Metal Gear Solid V fits in perfectly between The Phantom Pain and it also says that From Software is publishing the title.

So as interesting it may be to have a retailer post something about Metal Gear Solid V and The Phantom Pain, take this with a huge grain of salt, despite what some outlets have suggested. In the off-chance that this does turn out to be true though, we’ll be sure to let you know.


More on The Phantom Pain:


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