Bungie’s Destiny to be Revealed This Sunday, February 17th

Bungie, previously of Halo and Marathon fame, has created a new Twitter account for their upcoming title, Destiny, and one of the very first tweets from them was that we can expect Destiny to be revealed on Sunday, February 17th.

To get us excited, as well as telling us how to follow the big news, Bungie posted an update on their website, confirming that Destiny is officially called Destiny (and it isn’t just a codename):

So, our game is called Destiny.

In a matter of days, we’re going to give you your first glimpse into the vision and ambition that’s driving the creation of our brave new world.  To make room for the resulting chatter, we’ve launched some official social media channels.  There’s a new Destiny page to like on Facebook, a new Destiny feed to follow on Twitter, and a new Destiny page on Google+.  And, of course, we’ve opened a new Destiny forum here on Bungie.net where you can discuss upcoming news.

Bungie.net and our existing Bungie social channels will remain official sources for news about Destiny, Bungie, and anything else that might tickle our fancy. If you’ve already registered on our forums, liked our Facebook page, and been treating yourself to our sweet Tweets, you’re ready for anything. 

If our brand of Bungie humor isn’t your thing, and all you want is a steady stream of Destiny information, you should sign up for the new channels.

You can check back on Sunday to hear all about Destiny from us, but feel free to let speculate what we’ll be seeing on Sunday in the comments below. Unfortunately, it may end up being a timed exclusive for the Xbox 360 and 720.


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