Xbox One’s ‘Get the Facts’ Page: “100 Awards for Exclusive Games at E3 vs. 42 for PS4”

The Xbox One has had a busy start to the week, with MCV reporting that the system may come with a free copy of FIFA 14 at launch (in Europe at least) and the Xbox Twitter account sending out this massive infographic detailing lots of info about their exclusives:


Over on their official website, under the Xbox One section ‘Get the Facts‘, they have a checklist area, with one of the facts reading:

The most awarded exclusives: 100 awards for exclusive games at E3 vs. 42 for PS4.

Since it looks like they count TitanFall as an exclusive (it’s on Xbox 360 and PC as well), the numbers are a little pumped up since that game won pretty much everything and had a total of 60 awards, as you can see in the above infographic. While they probably didn’t count it towards their number of E3 awards, they do list Destiny as an exclusive (which is actually coming to PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One, with PS exclusive content) as well:

The best Xbox platform exclusives: Halo, Titanfall, Dead Rising 3, Ryse: Son of Rome, Forza Motorsport 5, Sunset Overdrive, Destiny.


With Sony taking a couple of not-so-subtle jabs at Microsoft during their E3 2013 Press Conference, it will be interesting to see how they respond to this during their gamescom Press Conference, or if they will just let the games do the talking.

What do you think of Microsoft including TitanFall as an ‘exclusive’ when it is coming to other platforms? Let us know in the comments below.


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