Ask PSLS: What Will You Remember 2013 For?

As we say goodbye to 2013 once and for all in these Ask PSLS’, we look back at the year that was, asking the staff: What will you remember 2013 for?

Anthony Severino – Se7en (@Sev_Anthony)

The thing I probably remember the most was The Last of Us, and then the PS4 launch.

It was seven years ago, laying on the cold concrete overnight in front of a GameStop to snag a launch PS3. Seven years later, PSLS is a major player in the world of PlayStation, so much so that I was able to walk into Sony’s PS4 event in New York City and was given a custom-engraved PS4 with my name on it. That’s such a milestone for me, and made me take a look at where I came from, and the journey it took to get here today. Thank you all for making this happen, because without you all, I and PSLS would be nothing.

Chandler Wood – Achievement Unlocked (@FinchStrife)

This one is going to be a bit more of a personal answer, but 2013 was my first full year with PSLS. From getting flown to California for a Dead Space 3 preview event, to finally achieving a lifelong dream of going to E3, it has been an amazing year being part of the PSLS team and that is what 2013 will always mean to me.

I don’t feel that I could have come on board at a better time, being part of the journalistic force as new consoles were announced and released, and contributing a bit of my own voice and style as PSLS continued it’s incredible growth. Between the rest of the team and the awesome readers, it’s been a memorable experience for me. What are you looking at? Those aren’t tears, dammit…! I… uh… hit my eye!

Heath Hindman – Savior (@RPGLand)

2013: The Year Internet Rage Saved Microsoft From Itself.

Jason Dunning – Not Shuhei? (@Jasonad21)

No, it’s not the PS4 launch, The Last of Us being awesome, or the long drought between worthwhile retail Vita releases. Instead, I’ll remember 2013 as the year of delays.

I was excited for Watch Dogs and that got delayed to 2014; I was excited for the DriveClub PS+ Edition and that got delayed to 2014; I was excited for South Park: The Stick of Truth and that got delayed multiple times, ending up in 2014; and I was really excited to play the Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster, which is now coming out in March.

2013 was definitely a year that finished up with disappointments in the delay department (not to mention it repeatedly showed me that games drop $20 in price 2-3 weeks after launch), so that’s probably what I’ll remember it for.

Or maybe The Last of Us.

Joseph Fait – Rated J for Joseph (@AcesHigh291)

I think one of the easier things to remember about 2013 was Ubisoft releasing Blood Dragon. While I absolutely love the stand alone expansion, I have no idea how it was greenlit.

Louis Edwards – We Are Family (@ftwrthtx)

2013 will always be the year that remote play was no longer the illegitimate child of PlayStation. 2013 was the year that the PS4 took an ill thought out concept and made it work as we, the longtime owners of PSP’s and PS Vita’s, were finally blessed with what we thought we were going to have years ago with the PSP and the PS3.

Russell Ritchey – Appreciative (@RussellCRitchey)

2013 was the year I started writing for PSLS. I’ve had lots of fun so far, and everyone’s been really great. Thank you; I truly appreciate it.

In terms of games, the continued waning of the console JRPG was halted slightly with Ni no Kuni and Tales of Xillia. However, staples of the genre (not Final Fantasy XIII spin offs) remain largely on the handhelds, as evidenced by the 3DS release of Shin Megami Tensei IV and the Vita release of Ys: Memories of Celceta. Further evidence lay with Dragon Quest X being an MMO, and apparently staying in Japan, and Phantasy Star on the side of a milk carton despite two PSP outings. Final Fantasy XIV has become my new definition for MMOs, even with limited MMO experience. The Last of Us and BioShock Infinite had exemplary storytelling and cinematic value; both games will be talked about for some time. 2013 was a good year for good games.

Finally, Atlus was bought by SEGA and that was huge news for me. Still waiting to see if anything really exciting will come NorthAm’s way in terms of releases. Crossing my fingers for a release of Valkyria Chronicles 3. While I’m at it, a pony and a winning lottery ticket would be nice as well.

Sebastian Moss –  (@SebMoss)

I remember nothing.

What will you remember 2013 for? Let us know in the comments below.


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