Respawn Reiterates Titanfall Sequel Could Come to PlayStation, Says 2015 Will be “A Little Quiet”

Released earlier this year on Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC, Respawn CEO Vince Zampella revealed to Game Informer that Titanfall is approaching eight million unique players.

When it comes to a potential Titanfall sequel, a report surfaced earlier this year saying it’s in development for PlayStation 4, while Zampella previously said Respawn would “of course” makes games for PS4.

In the interview with Game Informer, Zampella mentioned that “Respawn Entertainment does want to make more Titanfall.” As for whether a sequel may be console-exclusive to Xbox, he replied, “I’ve already said future projects will not necessarily be exclusive,” and then he clarified how only the first Titanfall is covered in the EA and Microsoft exclusivity deal.

Mentioning during the interview they don’t have any more content planned for Titanfall because “we have to move on to next game,” Zampella talked about the second team within Respawn, who is working on something “non-Titanfall related:”

There’s no pressure right as to what it is. We’re waiting and doing it right. Stig’s somebody I’ve known for a long time. I have a lot of respect for him; he’s done an amazing job on past projects. I was talking to him for a while and the opportunity came up when things went down at Sony to bring him on board and I jumped at it.

Respawn isn’t leaning towards any particular genre with this second team’s game, and they are “going in with an open mind.”

Unable to give out specifics on who might be publishing this other game, Zampella said we likely won’t hear anything from Respawn in 2015:

Next year will be a little quiet. We’ll be heads down, back to work. Next year [we will be] figuring out what we’re doing and really kind of honing in on what the next games will be.

Do you think Titanfall 2 will come to PS4?

[Source: Game Informer]