Sony Wants PS4 to Be the “Home of Fighting Games,” Says Capcom

During the latest PlayStation Blogcast, Capcom USA’s Community Manager Peter “The ComboFiend” Rosas talked about the company’s relationship with Sony, saying that it’s “fantastic.” He also revealed that Sony helped Capcom in making its upcoming title, Street Fighter V, cross-platform.

I mean the relationship with Sony is fantastic, and it’s so much more than a co-marketing deal. They really share the same vision for where we would like to take the fighting game space over time, and they understand there’s a lot of growth potential there.

And they’re able to help us out on a technical side of things. So this is the first time we’re able to pull off cross-platform play; that’s going to unite our community to a centralized player base, and it’s going to be essential for how we manage our competitive scene moving forward.

Rosas then went on to say that Sony wants the PlayStation 4 to be the “home of fighting games,” implying that the partnership between both companies will be a long-term one.

Sony have been great partners, they have the ambition of making sure that the PlayStation 4 is the home of fighting games, and we’re there to support them, and it’s a wonderful collaboration between both our companies.

Street Fighter V is scheduled for release sometime in 2016. For more on the game, check out our previous coverage.

[Source: PlayStation via PlayStation Universe]