Sony: PlayStation 4 is an “Amazing Platform” for Virtual Reality

During a talk hosted at EGX 2015, SCE’s Simon Benson said that the PlayStation 4 is the “most powerful console there is” and that it’s an “amazing platform” for virtual reality. You can catch the full talk in the 54-minute video above, but for those who don’t have the patience, here are some highlights courtesy of VR Focus:

In 2013, we got the compute power we needed. The PlayStation 4, the most powerful games console there is, and it’s an amazing platform for driving virtual reality. So one thing we do for virtual reality is we want to make our games work really well there, so we have to drive them at a very, very high framerate. The PlayStation 4 delivers a high-definition image, stereoscopic at 120 frames a second, which is double what most games that you imagine today deliver. And that’s only possible because of the power of the PlayStation 4, so finally we’ve got that missing piece of the puzzle.

With the push for VR in full swing at the moment, Shuhei Yoshida recently told us that Sony has “many” unannounced PlayStation VR games in the pipeline, and discussed how he thinks VR will influence the games industry. You can read through the full interview here.

For more on PlayStation VR, check out our previous coverage.

[Source: EGX (YouTube), VR Focus]