Supermassive Games “Not Ruling Out” Until Dawn DLC, No VR Edition Planned

If you’ve finished Until Dawn, then you might have noticed that the ending left a few things to the imagination as to what happens next (albeit, a predictable one). While developer Supermassive Games hasn’t announced any Until Dawn DLC, that doesn’t mean we won’t see any ever.

In an exclusive interview set to be published later this week, Executive Producer Pete Samuels admitted that rolling out DLC for Until Dawn is difficult due to the “truths” in the game’s story, but they’re not ruling it out completely.

The underlying ‘truths’ in the story are pretty sacred. If an expansion of any kind required us to change a truth then we wouldn’t be happy doing it. We get asked a lot for a happy-ending for one character in particular. We can’t see how that could work without breaking some important truths. I’m not ruling out DLC, we just haven’t yet found the right context for it.

Additionally, if you’re holding out for an Until Dawn PlayStation VR edition, then don’t. Samuels confirmed that while PlayStation VR has “cropped” up a few times during development, it’s not happening.

PlayStation VR cropped up in conversation a few times during development but no, we don’t expect that there’ll be an edition of the Until Dawn story to be playable in VR anytime soon. Not unless somebody has a sudden rush of blood!

In the same interview, Supermassive mentioned how Until Dawn’s sales have “surpassed expectations,” and that the studio has already talked about a sequel internally.

Would it make sense for Until Dawn to have DLC? What would you want it to be about if so.