Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Servers Down on PS4 According to Numerous Reports (Update)

Update #2 (5:50 p.m. ET):

According to Activision Support, connectivity issues for Black Ops 3 are now resolved. Check if it really is. I can log in just fine now, too.

Update (4:03 p.m. ET):  

That was a quick one! Activision Support has now acknowledged the downtime and the status page now states “Defcon 1,” for “SERVICES ARE OFFLINE. OPERATIONS TEAM HAS BEEN DEPLOYED TO RESTORE SERVICES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.”

We’ll keep you posted for further updates as they happen.

Original Story:

While Treyarch just released Call of Duty: Black Ops 3’s first map pack, Awakening, yesterday, it seems the shooter has ran into some network issues today.

Upon booting up Black Ops 3, players will be greeted by a notice stating, “The Call of Duty: Black Ops III server is not available at this time. Please try again later.” I checked it out and the image below is what I’m seeing as of press time.

Yep, it definitely sucks. What’s even odder here is checking the official Black Ops 3 server page shows that it’s in “Defcon 5,” which means “All online services are fully operational.” Upon seeing that, I thought that it was only my game or network that was having issues, but a quick check on Twitter confirms that it’s not just me.

Presently, the official Call of Duty Twitter, Treyarch or even Activision Support have yet to comment on the Black Ops 3 servers being down. Once we know more, we’ll be sure to update the post. In the meantime, go check out our gameplay footage of Managing Editor playing Awakening in his live-stream yesterday.

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