Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Combat Detailed, Faith’s Core Attacks Explained

Following a brief introduction to Mirror’s Edge Catalyst’s combat earlier this month, EA has provided some more details about the type of attacks Faith can use, the state of Focus, and more.

Alongside being able to use the environment to her advantage, Faith has two core attacks: light attacks and heavy attacks. Here’s how they are used in context:

When running, the light attack is a way for you to get through the enemy and pass it as fast as possible. It’s not about ending a conflict there and then, but more a way of hurting them and keep moving at the same time.

The heavy attack will force your enemies off balance by using your momentum. Instead of moving through an enemy, the advantage of a heavy attack is to make enemies disoriented.

DICE also detailed Focus, a state in which enemies can’t hit Faith.

Focus is a state where Faith can’t be hit by enemies. It is earned through maintaining movement and is a core feature of Faith and how she interacts with the world. As Faith runs, she focuses and let things drift away behind her. Faith is just not somebody who runs, she runs over every obstacle and deals with a complex rooftop landscape, using extreme parkour skills to reach her goal. If Faith gets hit in this Focus mode, she loses Focus and not Stamina. She becomes almost invisible, as enemies are not use to seeing, or dealing with, that kind of speed.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst includes third-person takedowns as well, which also serve as finishers. In addition to this, the new Shift move enables Faith to become a harder target for her enemies. 

For more on combat, follow the source link below. 

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst releases on May 24 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

[Source: Mirror’s Edge]


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