Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Weapon Crafting Detailed in New Video

While customizing weapons in Call of Duty games is nothing new, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is taking that up a notch by letting players craft their own weapons. Of course, don’t expect it to be as deep as say, Diablo’s, but based on what Infinity Ward has shared today, this Infinite Warfare weapon crafting system might be the next level of weapon customization shooter fans are looking for.

Crafting weapons in Infinite Warfare won’t replace the standard weapon progression system that the franchise is known for, and it’s set to introduce “Salvage,” which is the game’s crafting in-game currency.

For the first time in a Call of Duty game, Infinite Warfare introduces the concept of “Crafting.” In addition to weapon progression, this brand-new feature gives players the freedom to gain unique Prototype weapons for their playstyle by using “Salvage,” the in-game crafting currency.

There are a few ways to acquire Salvage in the game, so the more you play, the more Prototypes you can craft. You can earn Salvage by ranking up in the Mission Team you are enlisted in, through Supply Drops or by “burning” any duplicate items you may receive in a Drop, and you will also be rewarded with Salvage through daily login bonuses.

Prototype weapons come in four levels of rarity: COMMON, RARE, LEGENDARY, and EPIC, and each includes its own combination of perks. The LEGENDARY and EPIC versions have the most sought-after perks, providing players with new ways to compete. For example, equipping a weapon with the ATOMIZER STRIKE perk will award you with a tactical nuke following a 25-player killstreak.

Additionally, Infinite Warfare will have its own in-game market system just like Black Ops 3’s Black Market. Called the “Quartermaster,” players can exchange Keys they earn in-game for Supply Drops.

Multiplayer loot, including Prototype Weapons, can be obtained through Supply Drops by exchanging Keys with the quick-witted, cybernetic arms dealer who always has the latest in combat technology in stock, the Quartermaster. Players earn Keys while playing multiplayer matches and completing in-game challenges.

If you want a taste of how weapon crafting is in Infinite Warfare, you can do so by partaking in the Infinite Warfare beta set to the PlayStation 4 this weekend. Can’t play? Stay tuned to our Infinite Warfare beta impressions where we’ll check out the crafting system, the new Combat Rigs and what changes Infinity Ward has made to this year’s version.

[Source: Activision]