Ubisoft to Offer all For Honor DLC Maps and Modes for Free

Because they don’t want to split the community, Ubisoft will be giving For Honor players all post-launch maps and modes for free, Game Director Damien Kieken revealed in a recent presentation attended by Eurogamer.

“So everything that’s matchmade [including] new modes and new maps, will be given for free to the players,” Kieken said. “We’ll also have other free content. We are a big team supporting the game after launch.”

There will be micro-transactions though, with Ubisoft allowing players to buy more Steel, the in-game currency. “It’s just a shortcut,” he added. “Everything is unlockable just by playing the game. And all shortcuts are tied to progression, so you can’t unlock an end-game item right away.”

Kieken didn’t mention anything about new heroes being given away for free, so Eurogamer speculates that For Honor will offer a similar model to Rainbow Six Siege, where new characters can be purchased either with renown (currency earned in-game) or credits (currency you can buy with real money).

It’s also worth noting that For Honor will have a Season Pass, likely priced at $40 USD. “Get a year’s worth of expansions, exclusive content, and more with the Season Pass,” the Xbox Store description says.

The For Honor Closed Beta kicks off in January, and the full game launches on February 14, 2017.

[Source: Eurogamer, Xbox Store]