resident evil 7 sales

New Resident Evil 7 Trailer Welcomes You Home

“Come inside into the warm, friend. You’re late for supper, and it’s about time we introduced you to our little family,” says a description provided with the brief but creepy new Resident Evil 7 biohazard “Welcome Home” trailer above. “Home is safe. Home is love… Welcome home!” it continues.

Resident Evil 7 is out on January 24 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. As recently announced, folks in the US who pre-order the game now (or have already pre-ordered) via GameStop will receive a free digital copy of Resident Evil: Retribution movie. Those who pre-ordered or intend to pre-order via PlayStation Network will receive 40 percent off the HD movie bundle Resident Evil Collection on the PlayStation Store.

For more on the upcoming title, check out our dedicated game hub here.

Less than two weeks to go! Are our readers looking forward to Resident Evil 7? Let us know if you’ll be picking it up.