Assassin’s Creed Origins’ World Is Bigger Than Black Flag’s But It’s the Content That Matters, Says Director

Assassin’s Creed Origins director has revealed in an interview with Game Informer that the upcoming title will feature a city that’s “at least twice” the size of Havana in 2013’s Black Flag. However, he believes the size shouldn’t matter as it’s the content that counts.

“It’s really the content,” he says. “The experience that you have inside of it. It’s how alive it is. So we filled these locations with quests, with making each city feel unique to itself.”

We’ve also learned that Origins‘ map will be open from the beginning of the game, just after the introductory mission.

As for the modern day element, Ismail said that he’s not able to reveal anything at the moment but teased that the developer has something in store that it wants to surprise players with.

You can check out the full interview above.

Assassin’s Creed Origins will release for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on October 27.